CWSC 2015

Coworking Spain Conference 2015
The Shared City

24 of April to 25 of May

Las Naves


Alex Hillman (Co-founder Indy Hall in Philadelphia)
Albert Cañigueral (Connector Ouishare) - Javier Creus (Founder of Ideas for Change and creator of Pentagrowth)
Pau Rausell Köster (Director of the Research Area in Economics of Culture and Tourism (Econcult).)
Marc Navarro (Coworking Consultant)
Maite Moreno (Founder Monday Happy Monday)
Juan Diego Pereiro (WeKCo Coworking Space) - Lucía Enríquez (La Guarida Creativa)
Nerea Guinea Eguiguren (Miembro de Ouishare y gestora y propietaria del coworking CO&ART Donostia)
Saúl Loriente & Carlos Mirete (Startup University)
Albert Cañigueral (Connector Ouishare) - Cristóbal Gracia (OuiShare connector in Barcelona) - Jordi Martí Costa (Director of Altrium-Strategic Collaboration)
Vanessa Sans (Coworking consultant in her agency Happy Working Lab. ) - Manuela Procopio (Entrepreneur, mentor, facilitator and Scrum Master.)
Ignasi Alcalde (Teaching consultant at the UOC and the UNIR )
Manuel Pascual & Aurora Gónzalez (ZuloArk)
Miguel Ángel Calero (Catalyst in coSfera) - Carlos Almansa (Co-Founder & CEO Nexudus) - Manuel Zea (CEO - Javi Garriz (Head of Community and Programming at Impact Hub Madrid)
Eduardo Forte (CMO and CEO of Betahaus Barcelona)
Diego Tomás (Coworking consultant) - Laia Benaiges Monné (Creadora l'Espai La Magrana)
Krloos Rivera (Manager & Partnership of Las Naves Collaborative Space) - Nacho Cambralla (CEO Wayco) - Chaume Sánchez Alepuz (Startup Bandness)
Pablo Gavilán (Global Technology Director of the international Impact Hub network.)
Vanessa Sans (Coworking consultant in her agency Happy Working Lab. )
María Escartí (Project and program manager at US Market Access Center) - Hiram Centelles (Revolico y Fonoma) - Enrique Penichet (Founder of Business Booster and Sinensis Seed Capital SCR)


Pablo Gavilán

Global Technology Director of the international Impact Hub network.

David Martín

Consultant for the institutional development of companies and partnerships between Switzerland and Spain

Javi Garriz

Head of Community and Programming at Impact Hub Madrid

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