More and more companies are adopting a hybrid work model and opting for coworking spaces instead of traditional offices. To choose the perfect coworking space, both practical and corporate criteria must be considered.
Practical criteria include location, facilities and equipment, common areas, extra services, comfort and user service. Corporate criteria, on the other hand, focus on community, networking, image and status of the space, environment and available budget. When looking for a space, it is also important to consider the availability of dates and the need for space, as well as security, privacy and confidentiality requirements.
According to Cristina Sanandrés, CEO and co-founder of eekox, there are two main profiles of companies that use coworking spaces: those that work full-time in these spaces and those that adopt a hybrid model combining office, home and coworking. In both cases, the benefits include an increase in engagement and pride of belonging, favoring talent retention, as well as an improvement in the company's productivity and competitiveness.