Sergio Fernández

Sergio Fernández
Director and founder of the Master de Emprendedores
CWSC 2014

Director and founder of the Master de Emprendedores of the Instituto Pensamiento Positivo, entrepreneur, lecturer and trainer specialized in personal development, entrepreneurship, creativity, business innovation and economy and conscious work. He presented and directed the program Pensamiento Positivo on ABC Punto Radio. Pensamiento Positivo has been the first national program on personal development and practical psychology and his channel has almost two million videos viewed on Youtube. Author of Vivir sin jefe (2009, 16th edition, three languages) has become a reference book for entrepreneurs. He is also the author of Cómo gestionar la comunicación (2007), Vivir sin miedos (2010, 4th edition, three languages) and co-author of El sorprendendedor and Sorprendedores, a board game to discover the entrepreneur within you.
