Marcela Fernández

Marcela Fernández Selina
Selina Ambassador
CWSC 2021

Marcela Fernandez is the employer brand Ambassador of Selina – one of the world’s top startups serving the rapidly growing Digital Nomad Community. She is an ambitious entrepreneur that fell in love of Selina’s concept to expand worldwide while revolutionizing the future of work, hospitality and tourism. She is a globetrotter and has visited 76 countries. She can speak 5 languages.

Her current purpose Is to live a more sustainable life  and through her project cumbres blancas, ( She gives visibility to glaciers melting in an accelerated way  around the worlds 

Marcela is a: Tedx speaker, flow consultant, Founder of ON BOARD learning journeys, Founder of PAZabordo, la chiva de la Paz, Founder of paisajiando Medellin walking tours, Founder of nomadfamily.
