Jaime Aranda

Jaime Aranda
Consultant in innovation, business design and entrepreneurship.
CWSC 2013
CWSC 2014
CWSC 2016
CWSC 2017

Currently, I invest my time and dedication in and from Seville through different initiatives that allow me to grow as a professional and draw strategies to reach new playing fields. I organize events for entrepreneurs, freelancers and entrepreneurs (Jelly! Sevilla, Startup Weekend, Silicon Drinkabout...), I participate in associations like SevillaUP, I advise and train professionals in ThinkPal, I give classes and talks in different universities and entities, and I get involved in amazing projects like Cosmopolitia. All this in/with/from workINcompany, the first coworking space in Andalusia, something much more complex, rich and attractive than a simple company...
