Alberto Pérez Sola

Alberto Pérez Sola
Co-Founder workINcompany
CWSC 2024
CWSC 2018
CWSC 2017
CWSC 2016
CWSC 2014
CWSC 2013

Architect by training, entrepreneur by vocation. Co-founder of workINcompany in 2011, the first coworking space in Andalusia. Since then, coworking has become not only his livelihood and place of happiness, but also a center of operations for the launch of multiple professional and business projects.
From workINcompany he started his company City Center Sevilla, a tourist accommodation management company, and his current passion and dedication to ecommerce with his group Amasa Seller, from where the projects, and the recent (also very close to workINcompany and its affinity with digital nomads) were born.
Coworking gives him the opportunity to connect with entrepreneurs and institutions, having the fortune to train and mentor many projects and groups in digital, business and business models. He collaborates with entities such as Action Against Hunger, Chamber of Commerce, EUSA, University of Seville, Comisiones Obreras, City Councils, among others.


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