Javier Reina

Javier Reina
CEO Business World Alicante
CWSC 2023
CWSC 2022
CWSC 2019

CEO of Reina's Capital, a company specialized in investing in the Coworking sector and co-founder of Custom Suits.
Javier has participated in the development of a new concept of hybrid workspace in Spain, transforming the first shopping center into a Workspace.
It has also created an investment vehicle for the acquisition of shopping centers and their subsequent transformation into flexible spaces called Life & Business and Work City.
Custom Suits currently manages 9 flexible spaces in Madrid, Barcelona and Alicante with an area of ​​23,550 m² of GLA under management under brands of Networkia, Panoramis Life & Business, Worksite Neville, Oasiz and Business World Alicante.

